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Too much of a good thing?!

Here’s a question from Roxanne in Toronto, ON:

Q: My daughter is a month old now and I’m breastfeeding her – my problem is that I think I have TOO much milk! When she latches on and the milk lets down, she seems to pull away and fuss, as if it’s too much for her. I also notice that her stools are often greenish, and they irritate her skin. What can I do to help with this problem?

A: Yes, it sounds like you have an abundant milk supply, Roxanne, which is great but it can be a bit daunting for a newborn! The cause of the problem is usually a combination of an overactive letdown reflex, and an imbalance of foremilk (the more watery, sweet milk at the beginning of the feeding) to hindmilk (the milk more rich in fat at the end of the feeding). In the course of a feeding, the milk gradually changes from more watery to fat-rich. If a mother with an over-abundant milk supply feeds at both breasts, the baby may receive a higher than normal proportion of foremilk, which can result in the greenish, irritating stools. It may help to offer the baby only one breast at a feeding. One breast will supply all she needs at a feeding, and the ratio of hindmilk will be higher.

Also, you can try positioning the baby so that gravity helps to slow the milk flow rate. The fastest flow rate will be when Mom is sitting up, so try lying on your side, or on your back with your head supported with a pillow (your Cozy Cuddles Nursing Pillow is perfect for this!) and with baby resting on your chest. If the milk sprays with let-down, try catching it with a towel until it slows down, and then latch the baby on. Try to avoid pumping or hand expression – if you do this for comfort, limit it to a few seconds as this will encourage more milk production.

The good thing is that as your baby matures, she will regulate the flow and will become accustomed to your abundant milk supply!

Nancy Lahn RN

Developer of the Cozy Cuddles Nursing Pillow

Originally posted 2016-11-16 13:09:43.

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Petri Dish Experiment Using Breast Milk

We were sent a very interesting article today, by Dr. Tim Lahn, that shows what happens when breast milk is introduced into a petri dish along with bacteria.  The start of the article reads…

“Breastfeeding has been shown to be a health boon for both babies and moms, improving everything from an infant’s immune system to a mother’s heart heath. But studies are one thing; photos of experiments posted for the world to see on Facebook are another. Seeing is believing, after all.

“This viral image, which shows droplets of breast milk placed inside bacteria-infested petri dishes, has mesmerized the internet about the potential benefits of breastfeeding:

“The image was posted by Vicky Greene, a first year biosciences student at South Devon College in Paignton, England, as part of a microbiology research project. It shows a collection of petri dishes that contain the bacteria M. luteus. The bacteria grows abundantly everywhere in the dishes except where there are white splotches in the middle. Those white splotches are, of course, droplets of breast milk, each from different breastfeeding stages.”

To see the full article click on this link …

More proof that breast feeding is the best choice for your baby!

Originally posted 2017-02-10 19:42:12.

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Is my milk OK?

Here’s a question from Kirsten in Waterloo, ON:

Q: I don’t want to ask a silly question, but I’m worried about the way my breastmilk looks. I’ve been regularly pumping for my 4-month-old son, and when I store the milk in the fridge, it separates into a creamy substance on the top, and the rest looks almost watery. When my neighbour saw my milk in the fridge, she said my milk looks “thin”. Should I be worried?

A: Thanks for your question, Kirsten – NO question is a silly question, and if you’ve had this question, you can be sure that many others have had the same one! The good news is that your breastmilk is perfectly normal. People often expect human milk to look like cow’s milk, but human milk is uniquely designed to meet the needs of human babies and has a very different appearance from cow’s milk. The cream does tend to rise to the top when bottled- just give it a shake after you’ve warmed the bottle in a bowl of warm water before feeding.

Originally posted 2013-11-08 14:00:58.

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Am I Losing My Milk Supply?

Here’s a question from Hillary D. in Hamilton, ON:

Q: My son is now just over 3 months old. He’s been nursing well every 4 hours, but this week he’s been fussy and only settles when I feed him, and that has been every 2 hours instead of every 4. My neighbour said the same thing happened to her, and that it means I’m losing my milk supply! Is this true? Help!

A: No worries, Hillary – it sounds like your son is experiencing a very normal growth spurt! All you need to do is feed him on demand. Your body will respond by making more milk – it’s a perfect “supply-and-demand” system! After a few days, your supply will increase to meet his demand, and you will settle back into a longer spacing between feedings. For now, feed on demand and get lots of nutritious food and fluids yourself!

Originally posted 2014-07-30 13:33:53.