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We Are Out of Pillows!!

We are VERY sorry to report that at the moment we are out of pillows, and due to a supplier issue we will not have any until likely mid-February!!

You are very welcome to go ahead and order, but we will not be able to ship the order until our new supply comes in. We ARE still able to ship extra covers, just not pillow sets.

If you do order, we will keep you informed of any change in the status and an changes in the expected delivery.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this will cause.

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How long can I keep expressed breastmilk in the refrigerator?

Here’s a question from Sandy in Ingersoll, Ontario:

Q: If I’m unable to breastfeed immediately, how long can I keep my expressed breastmilk in the refrigerator? And if I take it in a cooler, how many hours is it safe to use?

A: Good question, Sandy! Here’s a handy guide for the safety of expressed breastmilk:ColdThermometer

  • Room temperature (less than 25 degrees C) for 6-8 hours
  • Refrigerator (<4 degrees C) for 5 days
  • Freezer of a 2-door refrigerator (-18 degrees C) for 3-6 months
  • Freezer of a deep freezer – chest or upright (-20 degrees C) for 6-12 months
  • When travelling, carry expressed breastmilk in cooler bag with ice packs and use within 24 hours


Nancy Lahn RN
Developer of the Cozy Cuddles Nursing Pillow

Originally posted 2015-04-07 16:35:44.

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I’m Engorged, and It Hurts!

Here’s another question we get frequently…

Q: My baby was born on Friday, and this morning (Monday) I woke up with the feeling that Dolly Parton had taken over my body! My breasts are huge and so sore – is this normal? What can I do? I’m so full that my baby has a hard time latching on.

A: What you’re experiencing, Angie, is very normal. On the third or fourth day after birth, your milk production begins in earnest and the breasts become swollen with milk, and also from increased blood flow and lymph fluids. The best way to spell relief is B-A-B-Y! Be sure to nurse the baby at least every two hours, and gently massage your breast as the baby is feeding. The frequent feeding will help your body to establish the proper supply and demand ratio. Before each feeding, apply a warm moist compress for a couple of minutes to start the milk flowing. If the breast is so full that it is difficult for baby to latch, hand express some milk until the areola (the dark area around the nipple) will soften enough to allow the baby to latch on. If you use a pump to do this, be sure to pump only until the areola is softened – too much pumping will give your body the wrong message and will tell it to increase your milk supply! In between feedings, you can wet and wring out a cloth (a tea towel is a good size), fold it into thirds, and freeze in your freezer. Laying this frozen cloth across your swollen breasts provides wonderful relief! You can also try the midwife’s trick of using a cabbage leaf inside your bra on each breast. The tanic acid in the cabbage (not lettuce!) helps to relieve swelling without decreasing your milk supply. Using these techniques, most engorgement will subside in about 48 hours. Wearing a good supportive nursing bra day and night (no underwires!) will be helpful during engorgement, too.

Originally posted 2016-11-07 18:12:49.

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Help! Soreness has returned!

Here’s a question from Jade in Sudbury:

Q: My baby’s a month old and has been nursing well. The nipple tenderness I felt at the beginning went away – until now! I feel a shooting pain when she nurses on one side that lasts throughout the feeding, and after as well. The baby often fusses during a feeding and pulls away. I noticed that the milk seems to be curdling in her mouth – it looks like cottage cheese on her tongue! Is this normal in the heat of the summer?

A: What you’re describing, Jade, sounds like a yeast infection, commonly known as “thrush”. It’s caused by the fungus candida albicans and fortunately can be treated by a topical anti-fungal medication you can get from your doctor. (More details: You’ll both need to be treated, as the infection passes between you – that is likely what is causing the white coating on her tongue and your nipple pain. It can also pass through the digestive tract and cause diaper rash, which will also need to be treated.

Nancy Lahn RN

Developer of the Cozy Cuddles Nursing Pillow

Originally posted 2015-09-10 16:06:38.