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Using the Cozy Cuddles Nursing Pillow for Premature Babies

Here’s a question from Kirsten in Barrie, ON:

Q:  I have a preemie born at 26 weeks, he’s now 33 weeks and I hope to start NNS (Non-Nutritive Sucking) in the next 2 weeks.  Do you recommend a position best for preemies?

A:  Thank you for your question, Kirsten!  For those reading this blog who are not familiar with the term ”Non-Nutritive Sucking” for premature infant the practice of allowing a premature infant who has not yet developed the ability to nurse at the breast to become familiar with the idea of nursing.  In the womb, around 32 weeks gestation, the fetus begins to display bursts of sucking, so when a preemie reaches this age they may be ready to begin spending time at the breast.  There will be no intake of milk, but often what happens is that babies “lick and sniff”, and may latch on briefly and then fall off.  All this is very beneficial for Mom and preemie, as NNS helps digestion of the feeding (still given by tube), promotes better sleep and calmness, as well as giving the baby a very pleasant feeling of being at the breast which makes the transition to full breastfeeding later much easier.  It also increases milk production for Mom.

The positions most use at this time are cross-cradle and football hold.  With cross-cradle on the left breast, you hold your left breast with your left hand (with thumb above the areola and fingers beneath) and you lay the baby across your lap tummy-to-tummy with you and support the baby’s head with your right hand.  This allows you to support his head more, and gives you more control to guide him to your nipple.  You just reverse this hold when you use the right breast.

With the football hold on the left, tuck the baby under your left arm and support his head with your left hand, while holding your breast with your right hand, reversing this when you feed on the right.

For both positions, the Cozy Cuddles Nursing Pillow will really help to support the baby’s body and prevent back and neck strain for you.  All the best to you and your little boy!  I’m sure that in the next few weeks he will graduate to being able to fully breastfeed and you’ll be a happy breastfeeding couple!

Originally posted 2016-09-10 08:30:10.

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Both breasts at each feeding?

Here’s a question from Marcy in Richmond Hill, ON:

Q: I’m expecting my first child in the middle of April. I’ve tried to read up on breastfeeding but some things you read conflict – for example, some say you should feed the baby from both breasts at a feeding, while others say that one breast is enough. Who’s right?

A: Good question, Marcy! For a first baby, it’s generally advised that you begin your breastfeeding experience by feeding from both breasts at each feeding. On the first side, feed until you notice the sucking and swallowing slowing down or stopping. Then remove the baby from the breast by inserting your little finger into the corner of the baby’s mouth to break the suction. Then burp the baby to remove any swallowed air. If baby is sleepy, many mothers will change the diaper at this time to wake the baby up. Then, offer the second breast. Most babies will take some from this breast until they fall asleep. At the next feeding, offer the breast that you fed from last at the previous feeding. Some mothers use the trick of putting a safety pin on their bra on the side they finish on to remind them to use this breast first next time! Doing this, particularly as your milk is coming in (this typically takes about 6 weeks) gives both breasts equal stimulation and promotes a good breastmilk supply.

Once your breastmilk supply is well established, some mothers find that the baby is satisfied with one breast per feeding, while others continue to offer both breasts at each feeding – you’ll soon become the expert on what your baby needs!

Nancy Lahn RN

Developer of the Cozy Cuddles Nursing Pillow

Originally posted 2016-03-31 12:45:59.

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Is breastfeeding a reliable method of birth control?

Here’s a question from Jessie from Guelph, ON :

Q: I’ve heard that breastfeeding delays the return of menstrual periods, so it’s safe to assume you can’t get pregnant if your periods haven’t returned. Is that right?

A: It’s true that breastfeeding tends to delay the return of your periods, but you will ovulate before your first period resumes. You could therefore become pregnant before your period returns.

The best way to use breastfeeding to delay the return of ovulation (egg production) is to observe the LAM, or Lactation Amenorrhea Method which is said to be 98% effective, but only if the following rules are observed:

– Your baby is younger than 6 months old

– Your periods have not returned

– You are exclusively breastfeeding on demand, night and day

“Exclusively breastfeeding” means a minimum of six long breastfeeding sessions every 24 hours – with a gap between feedings no longer than four hours during the day and six hours during the night. It’s also important not to give other fluids or solid foods to your baby. Soothers can also interfere with the success of LAM, as your baby’s suckling stimulates the hormones that suppress ovulation.

Nancy Lahn

Owner, Cozy Cuddles Baby Products

Originally posted 2013-09-04 13:46:34.

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Enough milk for newborn?

Here’s a question from Debbie in Niagara Falls, ON:

Q: My baby is due soon. I’ve heard that most mothers don’t have enough milk for their babies in the first 3 days after birth. Is this true?

A: No, Debbie, that’s not true – right now, you have colostrum that will be there for your baby right after birth. Colostrum, or “first milk”, is perfect for your newborn – it is thick, yellowish in colour, and packed full of nutrition and antibodies. It is so concentrated and full of energy that your baby only needs a small amount to meet all of his or her needs. As your baby latches on frequently and receives your colostrum, your body will be stimulated to produce your mature milk, which begins to come in on the second or third day after birth.

Originally posted 2014-03-18 13:53:32.