Here’s a question from Hillary D. in Hamilton, ON:
Q: My son is now just over 3 months old. He’s been nursing well every 4 hours, but this week he’s been fussy and only settles when I feed him, and that has been every 2 hours instead of every 4. My neighbour said the same thing happened to her, and that it means I’m losing my milk supply! Is this true? Help!
A: No worries, Hillary – it sounds like your son is experiencing a very normal growth spurt! All you need to do is feed him on demand. Your body will respond by making more milk – it’s a perfect “supply-and-demand” system! After a few days, your supply will increase to meet his demand, and you will settle back into a longer spacing between feedings. For now, feed on demand and get lots of nutritious food and fluids yourself!
Originally posted 2014-07-30 13:33:53.