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Is “Breast Plus Formula” ideal?

Here’s a question from Narinder in Brampton:

Q: My baby is due next month. Some of my friends say that they combined breastfeeding and formula feeding and that this gave them the best of both worlds – what do you think?

A: I know that this is a popular notion, Narinder, but it is not the best option. Breastmilk is superior in every way to formula, and there is no need for babies to have any other kind of feeding unless in a rare situations and as advised by your lactation consultant – even water is amply supplied by breastmilk. Women who combine breast and formula are much more likely to wean before the recommended 12 months, thus depriving baby of the ideal balance of nutrients and of antibodies. Research has also shown that exclusive breastfeeding also protects the baby by colonizing the baby’s digestive system with healthy bacteria, and that even one bottle of formula upsets this balance and unhealthy bacteria are no longer inhibited. Even when exclusive breastfeeding resumes, it can take weeks for the healthy bacteria to return to their former level.

The only “advantage” of formula is that someone else can give a bottle when you’re away from your baby. In the first 4 -6 weeks, this can cause nipple confusion as the baby sucks very differently from a bottle than they do from the breast, which increases the risk of early weaning. After 4 -6 weeks, you can easily pump your milk and leave this for a caregiver to give when you are out, and this way the baby will receive the “gold star” milk all the time and never has to receive second-best.

The familiar saying, “Breast is Best!” is so true, and research is revealing more reasons to affirm this all the time!

Nancy Lahn RN

Developer of the Cozy Cuddles Nursing Pillow

Originally posted 2016-02-10 14:09:29.

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I’m Engorged, and It Hurts!

Here’s another question we get frequently…

Q: My baby was born on Friday, and this morning (Monday) I woke up with the feeling that Dolly Parton had taken over my body! My breasts are huge and so sore – is this normal? What can I do? I’m so full that my baby has a hard time latching on.

A: What you’re experiencing, Angie, is very normal. On the third or fourth day after birth, your milk production begins in earnest and the breasts become swollen with milk, and also from increased blood flow and lymph fluids. The best way to spell relief is B-A-B-Y! Be sure to nurse the baby at least every two hours, and gently massage your breast as the baby is feeding. The frequent feeding will help your body to establish the proper supply and demand ratio. Before each feeding, apply a warm moist compress for a couple of minutes to start the milk flowing. If the breast is so full that it is difficult for baby to latch, hand express some milk until the areola (the dark area around the nipple) will soften enough to allow the baby to latch on. If you use a pump to do this, be sure to pump only until the areola is softened – too much pumping will give your body the wrong message and will tell it to increase your milk supply! In between feedings, you can wet and wring out a cloth (a tea towel is a good size), fold it into thirds, and freeze in your freezer. Laying this frozen cloth across your swollen breasts provides wonderful relief! You can also try the midwife’s trick of using a cabbage leaf inside your bra on each breast. The tanic acid in the cabbage (not lettuce!) helps to relieve swelling without decreasing your milk supply. Using these techniques, most engorgement will subside in about 48 hours. Wearing a good supportive nursing bra day and night (no underwires!) will be helpful during engorgement, too.

Originally posted 2016-11-07 18:12:49.

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I’m Pregnant – Toddler Refuses to Nurse!

Here’s a question from Kerri in North York, ON:

Q: I’m 7 months pregnant with my second, and my 12-month-old son has recently refused to nurse anymore. Is something wrong with my milk?

A: No, Kerri, there’s nothing wrong with your milk. The hormones of pregnancy will cause most women’s milk quantity to decrease, and then when they’re in their third trimester, as you are, the milk will begin to change back to the colostrum (first milk) that your newborn will need. Some nursing babies don’t mind these changes, but others will react with dislike to the different quality of your milk and may wean themselves.

Nancy Lahn

Owner, Cozy Cuddles Baby Products

Originally posted 2013-08-21 14:52:46.

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Is Marijuana Safe for Moms to Use When Pregnant or Breastfeeding?

Here’s a question from Danielle in Thornhill:

Q: Everyone’s talking about the Canadian government’s plan to legalize marijuana use. My friends all say it’s harmless – but can it have an effect on the baby if a woman uses it while pregnant or breastfeeding?

A: So glad you asked this question, Danielle. There’s a lot of misinformation out there about marijuana (cannabis), and many people are not aware of the long-term effects on babies, children and teens/young adults. There is no known safe amount of cannabis use in pregnancy and when breastfeeding.

Cannabis smoke contains many of the same harmful chemicals (over 700 of them) found in cigarette smoke. It can reduce the oxygen supply and nutrients to the fetus, and can affect the newborn with lower birth weight, lower alertness and slower growth rate. It can also cause a decreased ability for the baby to self-soothe and make them more irritable and have sleep disturbances. As the child grows, studies have linked maternal cannabis use to poorer memory and verbal reasoning skills, hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder (ADD), learning disorders, and also depression and anxiety.

When a breastfeeding mother uses cannabis, the chemical THC (the ingredient that makes the user feel “high”) passes into the breast milk and is taken into a baby’s fat cells and brain. It can be stored for weeks, and research has shown that it can cause slower motor development in the baby.

Research has shown that a young person’s brain is continuing to develop into their mid twenties. Cannabis use has been shown to cause reduced school performance, delinquency problems, hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention.

Being high while parenting can affect your interaction with your child, causing you to miss your child’s cues for hunger, their need to be comforted, or to play and learn. It can also affect your ability to judge correctly and to be alert to situations that are dangerous to your child.

So as you can see, Danielle, you are right to be concerned about cannabis use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, during the parenting years and also about the effects upon our teens and young adults who use it. Contrary to what your friends have told you, it is far from “harmless”.

Nancy Lahn RN
Developer of the Cozy Cuddles Nursing Pillow

Originally posted 2017-07-11 18:00:45.