Here’s a question from Carmela in North York:
Q: My son is now three weeks old and nurses well, but quite often spits up after. I’ve heard there’s a position called “laid-back nursing” that may help – can you describe this position?
A: Yes, Carmela, the laid-back position can be helpful with reflux, and it’s very comfortable to achieve with the help of a Cozy Cuddles Nursing Pillow! This is a reclining position for breastfeeding, so lie comfortably on your back, with your nursing pillow supporting your head and shoulders. This means that your head and shoulders will be propped up at an ideal angle. Then lay your baby, tummy to tummy with you, with his cheek near your breast. When he latches on, his head will be higher than the rest of his body, so gravity will assist with the reflux tendency. It’s also a very natural and relaxing position for you both – enjoy!
Originally posted 2015-03-27 10:57:01.