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Laid-Back Nursing?

Here’s a question from Carmela in North York:

Q:  My son is now three weeks old and nurses well, but quite often spits up after.  I’ve heard there’s a position called “laid-back nursing” that may help – can you describe this position?

Laid Back NursingA:  Yes, Carmela, the laid-back position can be helpful with reflux, and it’s very comfortable to achieve with the help of a Cozy Cuddles Nursing Pillow!  This is a reclining position for breastfeeding, so lie comfortably on your back, with your nursing pillow supporting your head and shoulders.  This means that your head and shoulders will be propped up at an ideal angle.  Then lay your baby, tummy to tummy with you, with his cheek near your breast. When he latches on, his head will be higher than the rest of his body, so gravity will assist with the reflux tendency.  It’s also a very natural and relaxing position for you both – enjoy!

Originally posted 2015-03-27 10:57:01.

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Is there a cream for nipple soreness?

Here’s a question from Connie in Toronto, ON:

Q: My baby is four days old. The nurses at the hospital said she has a good latch (we’ve been home for two days now), but my nipples are getting so sore! Is there some kind of cream that will help?

A: You mentioned that the hospital nurses said your baby is latching well – it would be good to confirm this by going back to the breastfeeding clinic at your hospital or Public Health clinic, since a proper latch is critical in avoiding nipple trauma. It is normal to experience some tenderness in the early days of breastfeeding, but pain that does not lessen in the first few seconds after latching can be a sign of other problems, including an improper latch. If the latch is determined to be correct, an excellent nipple ointment is available called APNO – All Purpose Nipple Ointment”. It was developed by Dr. Jack Newman, world-renowned breastfeeding expert whose clinic is right in your hometown of Toronto, Connie! APNO is made up of four ingredients that have been shown to treat a wide variety of nipple problems – you can learn more about it at

Originally posted 2013-10-01 11:46:14.

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Question about Colostrum

Here’s a question from Kelly in North York, Ontario:

Q: I’ve heard that you’re supposed to leak colostrum in late pregnancy, but I haven’t seen a drop. Does this mean I’ll have trouble breastfeeding?

A: Definitely not! In the last weeks of pregnancy, some women leak some colostrum (the yellowish, sticky “first milk”), but many do not. Whether you see it or you don’t, your colostrum is there and it will be there for your newborn as the very best first food. Colostrum is filled with energy and antibodies, and is so concentrated that your newborn only needs a small amount. It will give your baby the best possible start in the world!

Originally posted 2013-02-08 13:29:58.

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Enough Milk?

Since we get this question, and hear these comments, a lot, I thought it would make sense to re-publish this question from nearly a year ago…

Here’s a question from Debbie in Niagara Falls, ON:

Q: My baby is due soon. I’ve heard that most mothers don’t have enough milk for their babies in the first 3 days after birth. Is this true?

A: No, Debbie, that’s not true – right now, you have colostrum that will be there for your baby right after birth. Colostrum, or “first milk”, is perfect for your newborn – it is thick, yellowish in colour, and packed full of nutrition and antibodies. It is so concentrated and full of energy that your baby only needs a small amount to meet all of his or her needs. As your baby latches on frequently and receives your colostrum, your body will be stimulated to produce your mature milk, which begins to come in on the second or third day after birth.

Originally posted 2015-02-23 10:58:22.